There have been some changes since my last visit. We have welcomed four new children!
I am currently back at the House of Happiness with the children. It is always a special joy to spend time with them and follow their development.

Last night we watched the film of the first year of the House of Happiness together. The children were excited to see themselves on the screen.
The children wanted a new film in which the “newcomers” can also be seen. I will show this in July this year.

The school holidays are coming to an end and I am enjoying being able to spend a little more time with the children before school starts again. Some children have not yet had a stuffed animal, so they were allowed to choose one. I also arrived with a large load of clothes from Switzerland, so that we could all go to church on Sunday and to the mosque on Friday well dressed.

I can now approach Faraja without him crying. Thanks to chocolate and stuffed animals, he has slowly gained trust. Even Vaileth, who is normally very serious, laughed in front of me for the first time today. It is these small moments of happiness that show us that we are on the right path.