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08.01.2024 – New Year

The children are fit and cheerful and are looking forward to the first day of school in the new year. They wake up at 6:00 a.m. and have sweetened ginger tea, boiled eggs and potatoes for breakfast.

Sophia – our smallest – had already taken a nosedive and had to be treated first. No screaming, just a slight grimace.

I accompanied the children to school and was amazed that all 600 school children had to weed first. I helped them and "ouch" - there were some thorns and the kids just pulled them out!

On Sunday I showed them how to make pompoms. I was totally overwhelmed with 15 children who all needed help at the same time 🙂 The children didn't want to stop and even hung their pompoms on their school bags!

At 10:00 a.m. there was no electricity. Since I had to work, I went on foot, in an overcrowded minibus and by tuktuk into town to an internet café.

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